Ben is a short fiction writer, instructor, and critic with foci in post-45 American fiction, fiction of the American West, analytic philosophy, literary theory, and craft theory. He is currently a P.h.D student in English at The University of Louisiana, Lafayette where he lives with his wife and four children. Recently, he can be read in the Madison Review, Sandy River Review, Bull, and Renascence Journal. When not writing, Ben wrestles with his kids, drinks wine he can't afford, and tries with all his might to play country licks on his guitar.
Academic interests include craft approaches to theories of literary meaning, American short fiction, the American novel, composition, historicity, New Materialism, the epistemology of traditions, action theory, theology, ethics; Michel Foucault, Walter Benn Michaels, Adolph Reed, James Wood, M.A.R. Habib, Terry Eagleton, Mikhail Bakhtin, Virginia Tufte, Donald Davidson, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Alasdair MacIntyre, Elizabeth Anscombe. Creative interests include short fiction, creative

non-fiction, the poetics of place, violence, and work; family drama, class struggle,addiction, irony, humor,rural West, urban West, spectacle, transcendence, stream of consciousness; post-modernism, modernism; Denis Johnson, Joan Didion, Thomas Pynchon, Flannery O'Conner, Rick Bass, Richard Ford, Ross MacDonald, Toni Morrison, Cormac McCarthy, Raymond Carver.